Turns out some men DO like cats

I’ve always maintained that men don’t like cats. But this photo shows that there may be some feline-loving dudes out there after all.

Let me hear from you guys. Do real men like cats? Or is the appeal limited to heavily scarred criminal masterminds?

5 Responses to Turns out some men DO like cats

  1. I like cats Dave – catfish, catapults and catsup

  2. Chris says:

    You’ll never get me to admit it, Dave.

    I can say…

    Brownie has three beds in our laundry room. I am not responsible for any of the three.

    However, we’ve put up with each other for 15 years now.

    Does that translate to “like?” I’ll sleep on it…and not 16 hours mind you.

  3. BooBoo says:

    Cats are evil.

  4. i need a cat…..honest

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